Register NOW for the 5th Annual Leadership 500 Summit
As our nation embraces the inevitability and necessity of change, we know that we too must change. The NAACP, 100 years old, is turning its face to the future. The changes in our society are undeniable and the time has come that we must begin to re-examine our standing, our strategies, and our positions, and we must also redefine our role. One thing is certain, if we are to continue serving as an effective voice for social justice and fundamental fairness, we must make room at the table for new faces, new voices, new perspectives, and new ideas. The Leadership 500 Summit is an effort to do exactly that...
The four-day gathering is designed to attract "the next generation of leaders," -– people who will help shape the future direction of social justice advocacy efforts in America. This summit provides a unique opportunity to identify and connect with new professional, political, civic, and community leaders who are working or interested in the areas of health, education, civic engagement, and/or economic development.

We want to see YOU there... Register today and join us as we Ensure our Legacy...