Join us April 4th for the "We Are One... Standing in solidarity with Labor" rally
On April 4th, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee, where he had gone to stand with sanitation workers who were standing up and demanding fair treatment and the right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a better life.
Today, that same demand is electrifying people across America. It's the demand of all people - Black, White, Latino, and Asian American: The right to join together to fight for our common dreams.
On Monday, April 4th, Join the Wichita Branch and Kansas NAACP, the Wichita/Hutchison Labor Federation, and the Kansas Chapter of the National Organization for Women as we STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH LABOR.
What: The "WE ARE ONE" RallyThe event is free and open to the public
When: April 4th at 7:00pm
Where: Interfaith Ministries (829 N Market St)