Friday, April 1, 2011

Join us April 4th for the "We Are One... Standing in solidarity with Labor" rally

On April 4th, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee, where he had gone to stand with sanitation workers who were standing up and demanding fair treatment and the right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a better life.

Today, that same demand is electrifying people across America. It's the demand of all people - Black, White, Latino,  and Asian American: The right to join together to fight for our common dreams.

On Monday, April 4th, Join the Wichita Branch and Kansas NAACP, the Wichita/Hutchison Labor Federation, and the Kansas Chapter of the National Organization for Women as we STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH LABOR.

What: The "WE ARE ONE" Rally
When: April 4th at 7:00pm
Where: Interfaith Ministries  (829 N Market St)
The event is free and open to the public

Comments (16)

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But that was over 40 years ago when there was a need for unions. In 2011 the dynamics of the union and bargining power has changed significantly. Also, there have been a generous number of labor laws that have been passed over the past 40 years that basically prohibit disenfranchisement of workers. Times have changed. This begs the fundamental question, do workers really need unions in 2011? My thinking on this has changed much over the years. I actually was the member of a union years ago. We owe it to ourselves to question and not simply fall in step in with one political party's views. We have done this for too long and it has not gotton us anywhere. That's a whole nother story. Just my friendly observation.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I would argue that there is and there will always be a need for Unions. Changes in Labor laws and working conditions may change what Unions ask for or even what is to be considered reasonable. But "Organized Labor" in and of itself is not a demand - it is a capacity. It is simply a organized grouping of workers, whose skills and numbers afford them the standing to negotiate with Management on a near equal footing. That capacity could be used for any number of things (some noble, some not) But the capacity itself - the ability of blue collar working people to organize and speak up for their own interests; the ability to have a voice in the very companies that their work and labor make profitable, should not be abridged. ANY attempt to muffle or silence their voice is undemocratic...
The jokiness of the aural month. This month is basically dependent on the first fourth of the year. Where we can say that the first variation can be invisible for every one. If the human being wants to get the first variation of the personal vested as well.
Protests signal to decision makers that the need to be heard has risen above the level of letter writing campaigns and phone calls.

The challenge in many developed countries is that professional opinion management firms pay people to rally and protest to elevate a message, and targets (decision makers, pollsters, etc),know how to measure the impact of professionally staged rallies.
I like this post because labor are back bone of country economy. I personally believe that everyone should do hard work and participate in country success. It's parents responsibility to teach their child about education and its importance so they can see result of their efforts towards them.
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