Monday, May 17, 2010

Governor Parkinson signs SB54 commissioning a mural marking the Brown vs Board decision to be placed in the State Capital

The Morning Sun

The Supreme Court ruling that declared school segregation unconstitutional will be commemorated with a new mural at the Kansas Statehouse.

Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson, on Monday, signed Senate Bill 54, which creates the Capitol Preservation Committee, which is required to develop plans for the placement of a mural in the State Capitol commemorating the United States Supreme Court Decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education. The bill also prohibits public funds from being used to pay the costs of creating and installing the mural.

“Brown v. Board remains at the cornerstone of the Kansas story, reminding us of where we first began and how far we have come,” Parkinson said at a ceremonial signing at the Statehouse.. “In joining the likes of John Stuart Curry and his Tragic Prelude, the mural will allow future generations to look back and become inspired by our state’s remarkable history.”

The governor was joined by state legislators and members of the Kansas NAACP at the bill signing in the Governor’s Ceremonial Office.

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